This Easter

Content Creators will be rallying participants for small groups within their own communities. Now is the time to ignite excitement and curiosity. As you reach out to your viewers, share the vision of these intimate gatherings, where connections are forged, and understanding deepens. Emphasize the welcoming nature of these groups, inviting skeptics, seekers, and believers alike to explore the teachings of Jesus Christ in a supportive environment. Highlight the transformative potential of these gatherings, where meaningful discussions and authentic connections flourish. Your role is pivotal in spreading the word and inviting others to embark on this journey of discovery and growth. Together, let’s inspire participation and create spaces where all are welcomed and valued.

Alpha Groups


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Content Creator Recruits 5 Leaders


Strong Foundational Christian

Build a strong Christian faith through Bible study, church attendance, fellowship, prayer, and Holy Spirit guidance. Strive for a foundation grounded in Jesus Christ's love and truth.


Active Listener and Encourager

Create a safe space for individuals to share. By listening empathetically, Offer encouragement and guidance. Trust, respect, growth, truth and love.


Organized and Supportive to finish the Content Strong

Our team creates innovative and compelling content by collaborating in a highly motivated and nurturing environment that encourages unique perspectives.

# Content Creators